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The Longer version

My mum instilled in me a love of books from an early age. I wrote the odd story when I was younger but it wasn’t until I became an adult that I realised I wanted to write. I wanted to be a photojournalist due to my love of photography and writing. Alas, life didn’t turn out that way and I ended up studying for a “safe” business degree.

Writing my first book was something I felt I needed to do and the subject matter was close to my heart. Spending over 10 years in the cycle of the FIFO lifestyle offered me plenty of learning opportunities. With a background in blogging and 3 years of tertiary study, writing non-fiction came easily to me. I decided to head down the self-publishing route as the book was only 65 pages. In this instance, my tendency to be blunt and not waffle was perfectly suited. I researched a discovered online publisher, Ingram Spark, and a few months later I had ‘Managing a FIFO Family’ in my hot little hands.

I’d been bitten by the writing bug long before the moment I held an actual book that I had written, but that feeling was amplified. I wanted to keep writing. I wanted to get all the book ideas out of my head and onto the page. Whether they be fiction or non-fiction, the ideas are as eclectic as I am. Why limit myself to just one genre? I have ideas for historical fiction, children’s books, non-fiction manuals, and so much more.

I’ll always be a reader first and foremost but I hope to spend the next chapter of my life letting my creative writing flow.
