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Street Library Love

The thing that draws me to street libraries is the element of whimsy that comes with stumbling across a collection of books in an unlikely location. Street Libraries or Little Libraries are dotted all over the world. Some librarians paint intricate designs on theirs, while others leave extra treats such as bookmarks or book bingo cards. It is a treat… Read More »Street Library Love

On The Querying Rollercoaster

Last month, I finished editing my first MS and started querying publishers and agents. It was a nerve-wracking next step because it meant that people other than those I know and trust would get to read my book. All of the questions started popping up. Will they like it? Will they think it’s crap? Will they dismiss it because a… Read More »On The Querying Rollercoaster

My First Self-Publishing Journey

In 2017, while I was studying a Bachelor of Business, I decided to add to my workload by writing a book. I felt that there was a need for this type of book that wasn’t currently being filled. I also reflected that I had enough knowledge of the subject matter to be somewhat of an expert in the field. So,… Read More »My First Self-Publishing Journey

My Top Books for 2023

Who doesn’t love a book list at this time of year? Here are my top picks for 2023. I’m big on goal setting and one of my goals was to read 20 books in 2023. I would love to make it 23 in 23 but I know my current time limitations so I’m realistic about how many books I can… Read More »My Top Books for 2023